You’ve completed your Gratitude Workshop.

I hope that this process has served you well. Feel free to revisit these modules whenever you feel you could use a bit of extra support. As a gift, here is my Expansion Meditation, to align you with your true self so you can move forward and create the life you’ve been dreaming of!

For more meditations like this, visit my Meditative Healings Library.


New meditations are uploaded every month to support you in Abundance & Manifesting, Awakening Consciousness, Health & Wellness, Life Purpose & Career, Love & Relationships, Self-Esteem and Energy Support.

Guided visualizations speak directly to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind knows no difference between visualizing and experiencing. Your logic will be restrained by what you believe. But your imagination will break through those barriers and take you beyond your wildest dreams.

This meditative healings library is designed to offer you comfort and support through many of life’s experiences and challenges. Each Meditative Healing is completely unique and is guided by source consciousness. Expect to be journeying with Angela for about 40 minutes with some quiet time to reflect afterwards.


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CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the start of your dream life!