3 steps to manifesting your DREAMS!

We all have dreams that have yet to come to fruition.  Big, small and everything in between.  We can manifest our dreams with ease when we align them with a higher vibration, visualize our dreams already manifested and truly believe we deserve them. Today, Angela...

The ROOT Chakra and the 4S’s of life!

When you build a house, you start with the foundation.  A stable foundation is key for stable floors, windows, roofs, etc.  It enables the house to sustain storms, windy days and heavy snow.  Without a strong foundation, you find cracks and eventually, things start...

Energy Rich Process for Abundance

While many countries in the world are concerned about a recession right now, there is a greater potential that we can align ourselves with today. In this potent energy process we will enter into Still Point (also known as the Zero Point Field.) This is a space of pure...

I am planting seeds of happiness.

I am planting seeds of happiness. This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us turn this precious time of social distancing into a powerful time of clarity and intentional focus. Spring is a natural time to plant seeds for what we wish to manifest in the coming...

Download the Dream Life Guide

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the start of your dream life!