Welcome to ELEVATED SUPPORT at the Academy of Dreams! Here you will find free content to support you on your journey as an enlightened entrepreneur and awakened individual. We will share ENERGY RICH practices, downloadable tools and posts to help you manifest the business and life of your dreams!
I am grateful for all I have & all I continue to receive
This week’s White Light Healing was focused on raising our energy by becoming more grateful. Practicing gratitude is the quickest way to change our energy and elevate our emotions. We all want to feel good and to have a life of greater ease. Gratitude promises all of...
I am Joyful
This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us feel safe in expressing our true, authentic self. From a very young age we are conditioned to fit into the norm. But there is nothing normal about any of us. We are all uniquely beautiful in our own special way. To...
I allow my true self to be seen
This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us feel safe in expressing our true, authentic self. From a very young age we are conditioned to fit into the norm. But there is nothing normal about any of us. We are all uniquely beautiful in our own special way. To...
My romantic needs are being met
This week’s White Light Affirmation helps us open up to greater levels of romance in our lives. We are romantic beings by nature. If we deny or shut down our romantic needs, then we are in essence denying a part of our selves. It's wonderful and life affirming to...
Supercharge Your Dreams – An Energy Process to Uplift You
This week’s White Light Affirmation infuses the heart space with more hope and inspiration to help uplift you.
I’m supercharging my dreams
In order to manifest our dream life, we must let go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back. To maximize the benefits of this affirmation, place your hands over your heart chakra and repeat the affirmation 10 times. Take a deep, full breath between each statement....
I am supercharging my dreams.
Becoming Mindful
Does mindfulness lead to enlightenment?
Releasing Barriers to Success – An Energy Process to Uplift You.
This week’s White Light Affirmation infuses the heart space with more hope and inspiration to help uplift you.
I’m Letting Go of My Barriers to Success
This week's White Light Affirmation focussed on letting go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back. Each belief we hold can be life affirming or limiting in nature. In order to manifest our dream life, we must let go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back....