Full Moon Energy Boost

This mind-energy boost focuses on feeling balanced during the upcoming FULL MOON.  Listen as many times as you'd like throughout the week and let the energy build. The energy contained in this audio recording is high vibrational energy.  It is a gentle energy and will...

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

The more people who are out in the world living their dreams, the more hope and happiness we will all feel towards life. You were meant to live a magnificent life.  Let us help get you there. Enjoy this Energy Rich process to help you manifest your heart's desires....


Feeling stressed?  Overwhelmed?  In chaos?  Enjoy this short, 3 minute grounding energy process recorded for you in the interpretive forest of Whistler, B.C. Enjoy this Energy Rich process. The energy is wise and wants the very best for you. Feel free to watch this...
Starting Over

Starting Over

New beginnings mean new energy, new opportunities and new aspects of yourself that you get to AWAKEN!

I say ‘yes’ to life

  This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us say 'yes' to more of the good stuff in life. So many of us have learned to say 'no' to new opportunities and experiences and 'yes' to greater and greater levels of responsibility and hard work. As a result, we...

Self Talk

Self Talk

Our inner dialogue can be life affirming or limiting depending on the quality of the thoughts. Every thought we have holds an energy vibration that influences our experiences.

Sick of Falling Out of Love?

Sick of Falling Out of Love?

We all have a need for love. The problem is that we are often conditioned to believe that we are separate from love and that we need to seek it outside ourselves in order to be whole.

I am safe and secure

  This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us feel more safe and secure in life. When we feel insecure in any area of our life, our natural fight-or-flight system will kick in. It's role is to keep us safe from any physical or emotional harm. But often it...

I align myself with the natural flow of life

  Watch the video below for this week's White Light Affirmation. To maximize the benefits of this affirmation, place your hands over your heart chakra and repeat the affirmation 10 times. Take a deep, full breath between each statement.  Watch my video to receive...

All doors are opening for me now

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us open our hearts to receiving as we trust in the Divine timing of life. Doors closed doesn’t have to mean forever. If it’s felt like you have been denied opportunities rest in the knowing that it takes time for...

Peace begins with me

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us find strength in our own inner peace. We are often bombarded by external stressors which can impact our emotional wellbeing. But when we learn to cultivate our own inner peace, the effects of the outside world...

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