An Invitation to Heal

by Feb 6, 2019Blog, Inspiration, Personal Development

When a challenge presents itself in a healthy relationship, it is an opportunity to heal the past and transform the future. Everybody who comes into our lives can serve as a great teacher and a mirror. Sometimes we project our own pain onto a relationship instead of turning the mirror around and looking within. Projection can create the illusion that a relationship needs healing when actually it may be the past or our self that needs healing. That’s why we often end one relationship just to attract another one like it to take its place.  But when we become conscious enough to know the difference, we can embrace our current relationships as an invitation to heal not only our self, but also our past.
It’s in our deepest intimate relationships where we meet our unhealed past and awaken our untapped potential for the future.

Need some additional support?

Did you know that my Meditative Healings Library has an entire section dedicated to LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS? Life is nothing without our relationships. Join NOW and gain instant access to my healing meditations designed to help you transform your relationships.


©Angela Strank



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