by Angela Strank | Jan 24, 2023 | Energy Processes
We all have dreams that have yet to come to fruition. Big, small and everything in between. We can manifest our dreams with ease when we align them with a higher vibration, visualize our dreams already manifested and truly believe we deserve them. Today, Angela...
by Angela Strank | Jan 3, 2023 | Energy Processes
While many countries in the world are concerned about a recession right now, there is a greater potential that we can align ourselves with today. In this potent energy process we will enter into Still Point (also known as the Zero Point Field.) This is a space of pure...
by Angela Strank | Mar 18, 2019 | Blog, Inspiration, Personal Development
Becoming Mindful You may have heard of the term enlightenment or the term “awakening process.” For most, it seems like an experience that only a select few such as Gandhi or Buddha will ever have. But in truth we are all called to awaken by remembering the truth of...
by Angela Strank | Mar 18, 2019 | Blog, Inspiration, Personal Development
Releasing Barriers to Success – An Energy Process to Uplift You. This week’s White Light Affirmation is focussed on letting go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back. Each belief we hold can be life affirming or limiting in nature. In order to manifest...
by Angela Strank | Mar 10, 2019 | Blog, Inspiration, Personal Development
Honouring Your Dreams – An Energy Process to Uplift You. When we make commitments that speak to our heart, the heart chakra thrives. Our heart chakra wants us to commit to what will bring us joy and to follow through with those commitments. In order to manifest...