Welcome to ELEVATED SUPPORT at the Academy of Dreams!  Here you will find free content to support you on your journey as an enlightened entrepreneur and awakened individual.  We will share ENERGY RICH practices, downloadable tools and posts to help you manifest the business and life of your dreams! 



Full Moon Energy Boost

This mind-energy boost focuses on feeling balanced during the upcoming FULL MOON.  Listen as many times as you'd like throughout the week and let...

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

The more people who are out in the world living their dreams, the more hope and happiness we will all feel towards life. You were meant to live a...


Feeling stressed?  Overwhelmed?  In chaos?  Enjoy this short, 3 minute grounding energy process recorded for you in the interpretive forest of...

Peace begins with me

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us find strength in our own inner peace. We are often bombarded by external stressors which can impact our emotional wellbeing. But when we learn to cultivate our own inner peace, the effects of the outside world...

I believe in my dreams

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us have faith in our dreams and the process of manifestation. When we have a dream (vision) that is coupled with faith, miracles happen. It's only when we get impatient, doubt or stop trusting the process that our...

I Feel Great in My Body

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us develop a healthy and wonderful relationship with our body once again. We are meant to feel good, energized and alive in our bodies. But I know this isn't the case for most people.  Pain, physical discomfort,...

I am Successful

This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us stayed aligned with our destiny. Your highest calling is your destiny and it will always serve the highest good of all. If you feel lost or confused, intend to align with this highest calling and you will begin to see...

I am one with nature.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us remember the gifts of nature. Nature is peace. Nature is God. Nature is simplicity. If you are feeling ungrounded, uncentered or overwhelmed return to nature. Regardless of how we feel, we can never be separate...

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