Welcome to ELEVATED SUPPORT at the Academy of Dreams!  Here you will find free content to support you on your journey as an enlightened entrepreneur and awakened individual.  We will share ENERGY RICH practices, downloadable tools and posts to help you manifest the business and life of your dreams! 



Full Moon Energy Boost

This mind-energy boost focuses on feeling balanced during the upcoming FULL MOON.  Listen as many times as you'd like throughout the week and let...

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

The more people who are out in the world living their dreams, the more hope and happiness we will all feel towards life. You were meant to live a...


Feeling stressed?  Overwhelmed?  In chaos?  Enjoy this short, 3 minute grounding energy process recorded for you in the interpretive forest of...
I free myself from the past.

I free myself from the past.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help free us from the energetic burdens of the past. No matter what has happened in your past, it is not your obligation to hang on to any guilt, shame, regret or sadness. The past is over. The present moment is where...

My dreams matter.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help you remember that your dreams matter. No matter how busy we are, our dreams never leave us. They are loyal friends waiting for us to have the courage and commitment to honour them. I am here to uplift, encourage...

I am good enough.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us stop comparing or being competitive with each other and cultivate more self-love & acceptance. To maximize the benefits of this affirmation, place your hands over your heart chakra and repeat the affirmation...

I am grounded in who I am.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us stay grounded in our truth. With the pressures of a fast moving world, it can be easy to lose our footing and forget who we really are. Only good can come from being grounded within our self and our truth. To...

I am on top of the world.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation was inspired from a powerful session with a phone client this week. I was shown that we want to live a grounded, yet elevated life (on top of the world) and not be weighed down by life. Stress, trauma and emotional upsets can...

I am committed to honoring my dreams

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us bring our dreams to life. Our dreams matter. And they require, commitment, faith and patience for them to be realized. We can speed up the process of manifestation by becoming more mindful of our thoughts, words...

I love making healthy decisions

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help heal our relationship with decisions. In a fast paced world, we are bombarded with decision making every day. After a while we might begin to dislike having to make decisions or worse yet, become paralyzed in...

Life is safe.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us stay focussed on our hopes and dreams. If you have your heart set on something, be mindful not to talk yourself out of it just because you haven't figured out how to manifest it yet. Stay committed to your...

I am manifesting my dream life

I am manifesting my dream life

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us stay focussed on our hopes and dreams. If you have your heart set on something, be mindful not to talk yourself out of it just because you haven't figured out how to manifest it yet. Stay committed to your...

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CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the start of your dream life!