Welcome to ELEVATED SUPPORT at the Academy of Dreams! Here you will find free content to support you on your journey as an enlightened entrepreneur and awakened individual. We will share ENERGY RICH practices, downloadable tools and posts to help you manifest the business and life of your dreams!
Life is for me.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us move forward with life knowing we are always loved and supported. It is much easier to move forward in life when we have the knowing that all is well, no matter how things may appear. Life wants the best for...
I give myself permission to explore my options.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us expand our mind to greater and better options. It is human nature to get stuck in routines and to stick with what we know. But often as we change, our needs change as well. What may have served perfectly in the...
I honour every part of my journey as sacred.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us let go of judgements about our past. Every part of our journey is sacred and deserves to be honoured instead of judged. Growth is not always clean, comfortable and linear. But it is always for our greatest and...
My inner guidance is real & trustworthy.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us trust in our inner guidance even when we feel lost. It's much easier to trust our guidance when we feel safe, assured and in control. But it's far more difficult to do so when life is uncertain and shaky. It's...
Life is unfolding perfectly.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us remember that all is well. No matter what is unfolding in our lives at this time, everything's happening exactly as it's supposed to. Sometimes life has to dismantle a few things in order to re-organize itself...
Now is the time for new beginnings & a fresh start.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us prepare for the new beginnings that are taking root in our lives. New beginnings bring new opportunities, refreshed energy and greater perspectives. Now is the time to open our hearts and expand the mind for a...
I ask for, and openly receive, true guidance.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us open up to receiving true, Divine guidance. Sometimes it's difficult to decipher what is true guidance and what is just our inner thoughts. Divine guidance will always be loving to all involved, life affirming...
I respect and honour my true inner feelings.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us honour and trust our true feelings. Our feelings are our inner guidance system which are intended to give us feedback about the thoughts, words and actions (or inactions) we are taking. When was the last time...
I open my heart wider in all my relationships.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us open our hearts wider in love and relationships. Blaming, judgements, fears and hurt all close the heart space down. As a result we can begin to feel misunderstood, isolated, depressed or alone. We need each...
I am whole-heartedly committed to my path.
This week's White Light Affirmation is to help us manifest our truest heart desires by practising showing up and being fully present in life. This is what it means to be truly committed to our path... present, available, engaged and open-hearted. Without our...