Full Moon Energy Boost

This mind-energy boost focuses on feeling balanced during the upcoming FULL MOON.  Listen as many times as you'd like throughout the week and let the energy build. The energy contained in this audio recording is high vibrational energy.  It is a gentle energy and will...

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

The more people who are out in the world living their dreams, the more hope and happiness we will all feel towards life. You were meant to live a magnificent life.  Let us help get you there. Enjoy this Energy Rich process to help you manifest your heart's desires....


Feeling stressed?  Overwhelmed?  In chaos?  Enjoy this short, 3 minute grounding energy process recorded for you in the interpretive forest of Whistler, B.C. Enjoy this Energy Rich process. The energy is wise and wants the very best for you. Feel free to watch this...

I am infinite in my potential.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us remember that if we act as if all is well, it will be. For example, act as if you are brave and you will have the courage to conquer your fears. Act as if you love all of life and life will love you back in...

My needs to be validated, supported and loved are being met.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help heal our relationship with life in times of pain or stress. Sometimes when we are feeling beat down by life we can slip into a feeling that we are unloved or forgotten. This is not true. We are always loved no...

I am willing to be transformed into the best version of myself.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us be open to change. Life wants the best for us and often when it tries to steer us down a path that is aligned with our dreams, we get anxious, overwhelmed and sometimes even sabotage the process. When we are...

I am grounded and centred in my life.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us build a strong foundation of energy within our root chakra. Our root chakra is the foundation of our entire energy system. And like a a home, we want that foundation to be grounded, solid and supportive. To...

I set healthy boundaries for myself.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us set healthy boundaries with others. The holidays can be an emotional time for many which makes it that much more important for us to set strong and healthy boundaries. Otherwise it can be easy to take on the...

I give myself permission to be true to myself.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is a healthy way to honour our self. Many of us are masters at honouring the needs of others. But where we may fall short is in taking care of our own needs. Being true to ourselves means listening to, and honouring, our own...

I choose love.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to affirm healthier and deeper love in our relationships. Relationships can be challenging at times, especially when trying to create harmony between two souls with their own unique sensitivities. But sometimes we have to...

I am grateful for my blessed life.

  This week’s White Light Affirmation is to affirm greater levels of abundance and blessings into our lives. When we open our hearts to see just how blessed we truly are, we can't help but feel grateful. We are living on this planet in a time of great transition...

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